Developed with FNZ for Aviva’s Adviser Platform.
ESG Profiler wins Impact Award for Digital Reporting 2022 - Sustainable Investing Impact Reporting – Europe.
Further features planned for later this year.
Aviva is delighted to have been named as winner of the Impact Award for Digital Reporting 2022 - Sustainable Investing Impact Reporting – Europe in the Third Annual Aite-Novarica Group Digital Wealth Management Impact Awards. This recognizes the contribution to ESG investing Aviva has made with the delivery of the Aviva ESG Profiler, using FNZ Impact, an ESG solution integrated into FNZ’s wider global wealth management platform, on the Aviva Adviser Platform.
The award recognizes companies that have demonstrated innovation and market leadership in development of investment solutions for the benefit of advisers and their clients. The judging criteria looked specifically at companies that have developed digital capabilities to allow clients to see and feel the environmental and social impact of their investment portfolios.
Aviva’s ESG Profiler / FNZ Impact delivers this through standardised, accurate ESG data provision and reporting on underlying investment portfolios; ease of consumer access, data visualisation, and preference setting; and frictionless transfer of savings into funds / investments matching preferences.
In their award announcement, Aite-Novarica Group commented that ESG Profiler “is an exemplar of how the global sustainable and impact investment reporting model might look. The platform translates disparate data into actionable investment opportunities with metrics directly connecting their values with measurable societal impact.”
Using the Aviva ESG Profiler, built in partnership with FNZ, advisers are able to review a client's portfolio against Climate Change, Women in Leadership, Water Security, Waste, Deforestation, Human Rights, Recycling, Corporate Governance and Air Pollution. In addition, there are exclusionary filters for Adult entertainment, Alcohol, Controversial weapons, Gambling, Tobacco and Fossil fuels, to ensure that investments in these areas are avoided according to client wishes.
There is also a client ESG Profiler report, which enables advisers to produce a report focused on their clients’ ESG preferences; for instance, total carbon footprint within their product. They will also know the impact of the other ESG preferences that matter to them.
The delivery of the ESG Profiler on Aviva’s Adviser Platform, was a significant milestone for Aviva, FNZ and the market as a whole. It enabled the delivery of a “first to market” tool which supports Aviva’s advisers in their conversations with clients on ESG, allowing them to show their customers the scale and quantifiable impact of their investments - in terms that they understand. This supports both Aviva’s and FNZ’s company-wide sustainability objectives.
Al Ward, Head of Aviva Advised Platform, said:
“We’re delighted to have won this award, against tough competition across European Financial Services companies’ digital innovations this year. It demonstrates successful collaboration with FNZ to develop the ESG Profiler. We’re very encouraged, as well, by the increased usage of ESG Profiler that we’re seeing – since launch, around 2,300 unique users have accessed the tool multiple times and we believe that shows that a good number of adviser / client conversations now include ESG factors."
Since launch, we’ve actively sought adviser feedback so we know further developments down the line will deliver exactly what will help advisers in their ESG discussions with clients.
Vian Sharif, Head of Sustainability at FNZ, said:
“We are proud of the recognition that the FNZ and Aviva partnership has received. The award is testament to our mission to make wealth management more transparent, sustainable, and personal, helping everyone to invest in their future, on their terms."
We’re delighted that innovative solutions, like FNZ Impact, are now allowing all of us to invest in a way that secures a more sustainable future.
Wally Okby, Wealth Management Strategic Advisor at Aite-Novarica Group commented:
“The clarity and accuracy of Aviva ESG Profiler/FNZ Impact data and resultant analytics, accessible and elegant client-focused design, and the illustration of tangible impact from an investor's holdings, provides Aviva with a compelling value proposition - truly impactful investing."
Find out more about FNZ’s sustainability initiatives and the Aite Award here.